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What is a Sorority?A sorority is defined as a women's student organization that is formed chiefly for social purposes. However, it offers much more than just membership and social expansion. A sorority provides academic enhancement, life-long friendship, development of leadership skills, and the opportunity to serve the community. As a national organization, a sorority generates personal and professional growth through networking and participating in other activities well beyond your college years.
How do you know if a Sorority is right for you?The best answer to this question is to do your research on each organization. Being a part of a sorority is a commitment that lasts a lifetime, so please know what you are getting yourself into. This philosophy should be taken into many aspects of your life. The internet is a great place to start when looking into sororities. Do your research on the particular chapter that you would be interested in joining as well. A member of the organization is good option for information, so don't be afraid to ask!
Why Theta Phi Sigma?The world is male dominated and often times women experience discrimination within the church, on their jobs, as well as the community. Theta Phi Sigma’s vision is to give women a place to network, connect, and continue to grow spiritually. Our goal is to show that women can unite for sisterhood through love and excellence. We take a bold stance against jealousy, competition, cattiness, and other behavior that would challenge our divine crowns. We want other women to value and see themselves the way God sees them.
How much is the Intake Process?The cost of the Membership Intake Process will be based on where your application is submitted. Although Theta has a standard procedure for intake our chapters are permitted to make necessary adjustments to assist those that desire to join. We highly encourage you to attend an interest meeting for more information.
Do I have to be in college to join Theta?Our sisterhood is open to women from all walks of life that are 18 and over. Theta has various regions to accomodate women of all ages including our Collegiate Region.
Can I be in a Divine 9 Sorority and pledge TPS?In times past we did not permit dual membership. However, as our world changes and the need for Kingdom and wholistic ministry grows, we recognize that Theta has an international mandate that will encounter collaboration with those in the Divine Nine community. In this thought, and as of January 1, 2022, Theta Phi Sigma has now opened its doors to dual membership.
Are you in the Pan Hellenic Council?No. We are a part of the Anointed Assembly of Christian Fraternities and Sororities.
Is there any hazing involved?There is absolutely NO HAZING! The time you spend in the Membership Intake Process is simply to learn more about our organization, building relationships with your sisters, and strengthening your relationship with God. There are expectations that must be met to be a Theta lady, but we will never subject anyone to hazing or have them do anything that will be compromising to their Christian faith.
How do I become a member?Applications are completed at an upcoming interest meeting in your area or on our national website. Applications are reviewed upon receipt. If eligible, you will be asked to meet for an interview. If you are successful at the interview, you will receive an invitation to join the line. If you accept, you will go through the Membership Intake Process. Once you complete the process, you will become and official member!
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